Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday Fun!!!

its was saturday and we needed something to do, besides play cars and trucks and trains....and kitties and house and all those things we do ALL the time....lets ge tout of the house! so we took our first mini road trip with all three monsters :-D. we drove to columbia, we went to the zoo! of course it was fun, it always is-gotta love the zoo pass! jack wore his super cute hat, courtesy of aunt jenny and william-with the alligators in spirit of the zoo! we all had super fun and it was great to get out of the house! ( but two kids talking is a lot to listen to for an hour and a half, it used to be hard to listen to eli, now its eli and cope, somethimes in synch sometimes not, sometimes just talking right over each other, sometimes a some points one was crying while one was singing...then they would would switch....but of course once jack started to cry....they were both happy and loud and couldnt stop laughing and waking him up....i can only imagine what it will be like with three kids talking)

1 comment:

JTP said...

yeah! Now I can comment :-)