so has it really been since may since i updated this...i guess we have been busy! the summer was lots of fun and we did an endless list of activities and road trips. but the boys are officially in school now, 4 hours a day/5 days a week. this is their 3rd day and they seem tired but happy. we love the school and the program they are in. along with the usual curriculum of a 4 and 2 year old, they will be taking sign language, spanish and wiggles & tunes(music).its quiet around here in the morning.jack and i play for a bit but then he takes a 1 1/2-2 hour nap. so needless to say i have accomplished more in the last three days then i have all summer!
jack is now about 19ish pounds and pretty tall for a little man. he is coming up on 8 months already. he loves to eat.he would rather have people food but he can barely handle baby food. he has a very easy gag reflex-lets just say the food comes up easily. so we are trying to take it slow with the food for him to get use to it.he is sleeping thru the night which i thought would never happen.bedtime 8, wake time 8 (sometimes 7:30). he has millions of teeth....not really but about 7 and 2 or 3 more have broken the gums. he is crawling--well speed pulling thru the house. he does all he can to keep up with us!he pulls so fast and pushes off with his toes-its quite amazing.he has a strong personality, he is stubborn and strong willed, he is funny and happy.he loves his brothers more than anything and is attached to his mommy-sometimes a little too much.but im enjoying it while i can.i know it will go fast.
eli and cope have both started school.cope is potty trained!yay!finally....well it really didnt take that long but i thought the day would never come.eli is successfully riding his big boy bike.we had to get him a new one because he got to tall for the old one that cope is now trying to ride. eli zooms all over the place, i cant believe he is almost 5! cope loves to ride his big wheel.doesnt peddle much but boy he can fly down a hill and come to a complete stop before wrecking into something.watching him makes me want to be a kid again.those two are the best of buds these days!they go on all their little adventures together and off to no where land.
jeff is coaching elis soccer team on saturdays which eli thinks is THE coolest thing ever! he is finishing his degree, he will be done next month and will have his BS in environmental management.he will continue into the masters program and complete that as well, hopefully in the next year and a half.he is pursuing his dream job of being a park ranger, so he will be volunteering on the weekend at a local park.he is super stoked. it will be interesting to see where this leads to.....
as for me....well i couldnt be happier! i love it every day what we are doing.i am so proud of the boys and how the are growing into such wonderful boys! i am a little shocked that now i am 30, cope will be 3 in a month and eli is pushing 5 oh yeah and after christmas jack will be 1 ! where did the time go? other than couldnt be any sweeter.....well if the pile of trash in the front yard was gone from where we put new floors and counter top in and the floors where actually completely finished and everything was repainted-life would be a little sweeter, but im not complaining!oh and if the grass was cut and weeded.....